(◕‿◕) whatever you are, be a good one (◕‿◕) (◕‿◕) Nur Ainil Akhma Binti Bahtiar (◕‿◕)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


why doesn't stars appear in the daylight..? well,it is because they were blocked by the clouds and blurred by the brightness of the sunlight's..but it will shine again when the darkness cover the light..just as my love towards you my dear..sometimes it will dissappear,but not because it has been faded away..but because it's been blocked by some perception of yours or mybe others..but then,it will shine again..and again and again..i will be the light when all is covered by the dark.,because,if there's light,there's hope.,i will always be there if you are lonely or feel alone.....

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thank You For Your Love

Aku bersyukur kau di sini kasih....Di kalbuku mengiringi....Dan padamu ingin ku sampaikan..
Kau cahaya hati...Dulu ku palingkan diri dari cinta....Hingga kau hadir ubah segalanya...inilah janjiku kepadamu...Sepanjang hidup bersamamu...Kesetiaanku tulus untukmu....Hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku...Sepanjang hidup seiring waktu....Aku bersyukur atas hadirmu..Kini dan selamanya aku milikmu...Yakini hatiku kau anugerah Sang Maha Rahim....Semoga Allah rahmati kita...Kekasih penguat jiwaku...Berdoa kau dan aku di Jannah...Ku temukan kekuatanku di sisimu...Kau hadir sempurnakan seluruh hidupku...